Immigration over time

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When my mother first explained immigration to me and what she had gone through I was just a small child. I didn’t understand much of what she said at first until I started to dwell on what she said and compare it to today…

Families from all over travel far and wide just to find someplace new to settle. Soon I progressively understood more and more about the society around me as people just like my mother came asking me for help so they could provide a new life for their families. The families I helped had to get passed the police and find jobs when there’s hardly any that can pay a pretty penny… they could hardly find any homes so they had to stay in the vehicles they came in. It was especially hard to cure ill members of the family who became weak after their travels.

Just like mother’s family, they had gone through all of the same experiences when they arrived here at California. Unfortunately they didn’t meet as many friendly and helpful people as them who could provide just a bit in order to help them get by…

Thankfully my mother’s family and more families today are able to move into different places and get what they came for, and with that I was able to understand what everyone’s gone through with my experience of helping immigrants into the country just like the few people who helped my family along the way which resulted in them getting here.

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